Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Week 4

Just a reminder to pay your captains if you haven't done so yet. Thank you!!!

Week 3

Week 2

Hello IM players!

I'm looking forward to week 2. If you haven't had a chance to see the results from last week they are posted and week 2 games schedules are up. Scroll down to see it.

This Friday when you arrive please go to your respective playing fields and start warming up and practicing. As you see your team-mates arrive gather together and warmup/stretch by teams.

I'm hoping to start play at 6:40 so please arrive early and on time.

Everyone please make sure to read the rules of the game and if you have a question or comment go ahead and do that on the blogspot.

If you haven't paid please pay your team captain at the end of the day.

Last note, if you signed up late last week on Friday could you please email me and let me know what team I assigned you on. When I assigned you I didn't write it down. Thanks!
My email:

That's it's see you on Friday


Hello Everyone!!!

Week 1 is done and I hope everyone had a good time. I'll be posting the scores real soon so come back to this site later.

For those of you that signed up on the day of sorry I wasn't able to formally introduce myself. Administrative stuff took a lot longer than I had expected. In any case stop by and say hi. I definitely would like to meet you all.

Don't forget no IM's this week. See you next Friday!!!!

Oh yeah, make sure you get a chance to read the rules for the respective sport you're playing and if you haven't paid yet please give it to your captain.

Week 1

On the Day Of:

When you arrive please come to the registration table to get a name tag. After you get your name tag find some friends and stretch/warmup

After that we will all gather together for large group introduction.

After that we will go to our respective sports fields to break out into our teams and start playing.

Due to registration and introductions our playing time will be a little shorter than the weeks to come.

Alright I think that' s about it. Oh yeah don't forget the $10 you will give to your Captains.

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